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Categorization of accounts

Reference document for the Account Categorization endpoints

Account category versions

This categorization of accounts via only applies to our legacy Enhanced Financials. For categorization using the latest categories, explore the revised Enhanced Financials.

The Categorization of accounts API consists of the following endpoints:

API endpoints for categorization of accounts

Account categories have three sub-categories:

  • Account type — the highest level classification of an account, e.g. Asset, Liability, etc.
  • Account subtype — category often used for traditional financial ratios, e.g. Current assets, Current liabilities, etc.
  • Account detail — individual accounts, e.g. Cash, Inventory, Depreciation, etc.

List all available categories

The endpoint is available in our API reference. It contains the original category suggested by Codat suggested and the category that was confirmed by you or your customer confirmed.

  • A list of all the Codat standard categories can be found under:
GET /data/lending/accounts/categories
"type": "Asset",
"subtype": "Current",
"subtypeDisplayName": "Current assets",
"detailType": "Cash",
"detailTypeDisplayName": "Cash",
"detailTypeDescription": "Use 'Cash' for cash in the bank or held on premise. This should include overdrawn accounts."
"type": "Income",
"subtype": "Operating",
"subtypeDisplayName": "Operating",
"detailType": "GeneralServices",
"detailTypeDisplayName": "General services",
"detailTypeDescription": "Use 'General services' for income generated from services the company performs or usage fees charged."

Get the category for a specific account

The endpoint is available in our API reference.

The suggested and confirmed categories for a specific account can be obtained from the following endpoint:

GET /data/companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/accounts/categories

"accountRef": {
"id": "367f8daa-1464-4152-bf4e-21548696f916",
"name": "Purchases"
"suggested": {
"type": "Expense",
"subtype": "CostOfSales",
"detailType": "Labour"
"confirmed": {
"type": "Expense",
"subtype": "Operating",
"detailType": "AmortizationDepreciation"


List all accounts with their categories

The endpoint is available in our API reference.

GET /data/companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/accounts/categories

Data model

accountRefSee AccountRefAn object containing account reference data.
suggestedSee SuggestedAn object containing suggested category data.
confirmedSee ConfirmedAn object containing confirmed category data.


idstringThe account Id.
namestringThe name of the account.


typestringThe suggested account type.
subtypestringThe suggested account subtype.
detailTypestringThe suggested account detail type.
modifiedDateSee DateThe date the category was suggested for the account, YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.


typestringThe confirmed account type.
subtypestringThe confirmed account subtype.
detailTypestringThe confirmed account detail type.
modifiedDateSee DateThe date the account category was confirmed, YYYY-MM-DDT00:00:00Z.
"results": [
"accountRef": {
"id": "043b6bcb-dfe6-4c97-9b4c-f9b300fe3f03",
"name": "Telephone & Internet"
"suggested": {
"type": "Expense",
"subtype": "Operating",
"detailType": "GeneralAdministrative",
"modifiedDate": "2021-12-08T12:21:29"
"confirmed": {
"type": "Expense",
"subtype": "Operating",
"detailType": "SubscriptionFees",
"modifiedDate": "2022-03-02T09:41:06"

Update categories for a company

The categories for all or a batch of accounts in a specific connection can be updated in the Lending API reference. Note that this does not update the end accounting platform’s account, and only updates the categories saved against the company within Assess.

The endpoint is available in our API reference.

PATCH /data/companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/accounts/categories

In the update request body, provide:

  • type (classification of the account, e.g. Asset, Liability, Income, Expense)
  • subType (e.g. Current asset)
  • detailType (e.g. Cash equivalents).

You can provide a partial list of accounts you wish to update, or pass the whole object as null if you wish to remove the confirmed category for an account.

"categories": [
"accountRef": {
"id": "string"
"confirmed": {
"type": "string",
"subtype": "string",
"detailType": "string"
"modifiedDate": "2022-03-01T16:58:15.907Z"

Update the category for a specific account

The confirmed category for an account can be updated or removed.

The endpoint is available in our API reference.

PATCH /data/companies/{companyId}/connections/{connectionId}/lending/accounts/{accountId}/categories

Note: Even if you are updating 2 accounts out of 100, you should still provide the categories on the other 98 accounts to prevent replacing those that were previously confirmed.

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